Robinsons Old Tom

Colour- Deep Mahogany

Aroma- Molasses, Autumn Fruits, Dark Malts

Taste- Malt, Hops, Fruits, Bitter, Peppery

ABV- 8.5%

Availability and Cost- Sainsbury’s – £1.80


Boasting an impressive history, Old Tom won the Best Ale in the world at the World Beer Awards in 2009.

On the front of the palate it has some excellently robust hoppy, malty, fruity flavours and on the back of the palate it has an almost peppery coffee like taste. It’s truly a fascinating beer.


Robinsons Old Tom is completely different to most ales because of its 8.5% ABV, and I would say that although it’s enjoyable, it is too strong. I am a believer that traditional British ales shouldn’t blow your brains out!

Found in a large Sainsbury’s supermarket.


The all Important Food and Beer Blog Rating- 82%

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