Butternut Squash and Cumin Soup

Butternut squash and Cumin soup.

Preparation and Cooking Time- 40mins

Serves 8

Warming, seasonal and hearty, this is the perfect autumnal/winter soup to cheer you up on a dreary cold day. Easy to make, and perfect for the freezer for that quick soupy fix, just the nutritious hit you’ll need to get you through a long day at work.  

Approximate cost of dish- £2

2 Butternut squash

1 Onion

2 Teaspoons cumin

2 Stock cubes (vegetable or chicken)


1. Dice your onion and add to pan with a little oil.


2. Peel and de-seed your squash and chop into 1cm pieces before adding to the pan.


3. Add your 2 teaspoons of cumin to the pan.


4. Add boiling water until it covers the squash.


5. Add your two stock cubes.


Boil the soup until the squash is tender then add to a blender and blitz.


Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.

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